Content This ANISA internet publication is updated periodically. In this issue you'll find an editorial on the history of Austrian rock art
research, with
photos and footnotes. ANISA-internal news is chiefly designed to inform our members. ANISA-internal news is being updated periodically.
ANISA was founded in
1980 We first did research work on rock art in the Eastern Alps, then tried to
solve questions concerning early settlement of the high alpine regions, being
the first in Austria to engage in that type of scientific work. ANISA is a member of the International Rock Art Association (IFRAO). Our primary aim is the documentation and protection of pictograph sites in the
northern limestone ranges of the Alps (Nördliche Kalkalpen) in Austria and
Bavaria, Germany. Scientific articles are published in the ANISA bulletin. We also organize excursions, presentations and exhibitions. We welcome new members!